Strategic Communications

The Office of Strategic Communications helps to tell the story of Penn State Altoona to prospective students, 校友, 父母, and those interested in learning about our unique college community. The office produces news, information, and materials about events, 人, and activities at the college with a key focus on promoting student achievements and faculty and staff expertise.

Conversation bubbles representing strategic communications tools

Strategic Communications Tools

Strategic Communications Request
News and event promotion, story suggestions, design requests, and more!

Website Addition or Update Request
Website updates not related to news or event announcements

Directory Addition or Update Request
Update a faculty or staff entry in our online directory

For the Media | Editorial Guide | Downloads

A graphic representing a group of 人 working together

Strategic Communications 工作人员

With expertise in media and public relations, web design, print publication design, various forms of electronic communication, photography, and video production, we work with academic and administrative units to consult about, produce, and deploy a full range of strategic communications.